The Power of Pacing

The Power of Pacing

If you have a chronic illness, you may have heard the term pacing before. If you’ve been around long enough, you may have even tried to implement it. While thinking about pacing is easy, putting it into practice is harder. Mastering pacing can transform your life from...
Charting Your Healing Course

Charting Your Healing Course

The first hope most spoonies have when they get a diagnosis is that when the doctor figures out the diagnosis, they can make a full recovery. The truth of the matter is that full recoveries are a lot of hard work and time, if they are possible at all. But it is...
Packing Ideas For Spoonies

Packing Ideas For Spoonies

As much as we want to control our environment, times come where we need to embrace change. Whether moving to a different home or going on a trip, packing is a task that is unavoidable. While packing can be exhausting, there are ways to budget your spoons better to...
What’s In My Bag and Why It Matters

What’s In My Bag and Why It Matters

One of my first coping strategies I learned was making my life function out of a single bag. The bag in question I started with was my school backpack. I didn’t have to worry about my ADHD forgetting homework if my homework lived in my bag when I wasn’t working on it....