Using A Planner To Find Balance

Using A Planner To Find Balance

I find my planner reflects me. It documents what I care about and often reflects how I’m doing. When I’m having a flare up or I’m particularly stressed, the pages are fairly blank. But my planner has become an invaluable tool for finding balance and going after...
Abandoning The Badge of Busy-ness

Abandoning The Badge of Busy-ness

We live in a world that values productivity above all else. People desire multi-tasking, even if it is less effective in reality. Most of us wear a badge of being busy as a symbol of pride. Chronic illness becomes an obstacle to reaching this pinnacle of life we see...
Balancing Work, Life, and Chronic Illness

Balancing Work, Life, and Chronic Illness

If you have worked in corporate America at all, you’ve likely heard a lot about achieving work life balance. Some tactics shared are helpful. Some are too shallow to really do anything for those of us who live with chronic illness. With the extra difficulties of...
The Power of Pacing

The Power of Pacing

If you have a chronic illness, you may have heard the term pacing before. If you’ve been around long enough, you may have even tried to implement it. While thinking about pacing is easy, putting it into practice is harder. Mastering pacing can transform your life from...
Charting Your Healing Course

Charting Your Healing Course

The first hope most spoonies have when they get a diagnosis is that when the doctor figures out the diagnosis, they can make a full recovery. The truth of the matter is that full recoveries are a lot of hard work and time, if they are possible at all. But it is...